If your home feels disorganized and cluttered, you may feel more stressed than usual. It’s hard to relax and unwind when it seems there is always something to clean up. Here are a few tips to help you reorganize your house. You’ll create functional and tidy living spaces.

Prioritize the Most Pressing Projects

Make a checklist of the areas that need to be organized. Determine the most important room, closet, or space to organize and start there. Having a plan before beginning your decluttering and organization work is helpful. Create a list of cleaning products or storage containers you’ll need to complete the job.

Lighten the Work Load to Reorganize Your House

Before reorganizing, do a sweep of each space and purge items you don’t want or need. Don’t hold on to things that no longer serve you. Gather useful items in cardboard boxes and donate them to a charity of your choice next time you run errands. There is no point in spending time organizing things you don’t need.

Budget Your Time

Use a chore chart or calendar to schedule time for cleaning each area in your home. Try to estimate the amount of time you’ll need and put it on the calendar. If you only have 15 minutes, clean a single kitchen drawer. A free weekend may be enough time to reorganize the garage.

As you complete an area, check it off the list. Seeing your progress is often an incentive to continue the work of decluttering and organizing.

Store Items Appropriately to Reorganize Your House

Make sure things are stored where they belong. It doesn’t make sense to store your bed sheets in a cabinet above the refrigerator. Don’t keep extra bottles of dishwashing liquid in your bedroom closet. You are more likely to put things where they belong and find things when you need them if your organizational system is logical and convenient.

Use Vertical Space

You’ll save floor space by getting creative with your storage. Use over-the-door shoe racks, hanging organizers, hooks, and pegboards. Especially if you have a smaller home, making use of vertical space helps you preserve square footage and keep your living areas open.

Clean As You Reorganize Your House

When you declutter and organize, this provides a perfect opportunity to dust the bookshelf and wipe fingerprints off the coffee table. When reorganizing an area, remove everything and clean the space. Wipe the walls, dust surfaces, and make repairs if needed. You’ll be able to organize and store your belongings in a clean room.

Maintain the Organization

Just as important as organizing your whole house is maintaining the organization. After the entire home is organized, upkeep is easy. Set aside 15-20 minutes per day to put things back where they belong. Use labels on boxes, bins, and totes, so your family members know exactly where things go. Your house will stay organized, and you’ll feel less stress when you’re at home.

American Home Inspection Services offers inspections to homebuyers and sellers in Southeast Michigan. Contact us to request an appointment.